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Step By Step Guide - How To Make Your Toilet Squeaky Clean!


Cleaning your toilet can be one of the MOST tasking & unenjoyable chores, especially after not doing it for a long period of time. It would help if you cleaned your toilet often to keep the mess to a MINIMUM & make cleaning it MUCH LESS of a chore in the future. We highly suggest cleaning the inner & outer toilet ONCE a week & NO LESS than ONCE per month so that your bathroom ALWAYS looks & smells its best. Below are some EXTREMELY helpful steps that will ENSURE you get a clean toilet, EXTEND the lifespan of your toilet & MAINTAIN your restrooms/bathroom's overall cleanliness.


If you have just googled how to clean a toilet, you have reached the RIGHT SPOT, as we will teach you EVERYTHING & even suggest some of the BEST cleaners that our company currently uses!












#1: Begin With Toilet Bowl Cleaner!


Start with the application of a toilet bowl cleaner such as Clorox toilet bowl cleaner (uses bleach) or Lysol toilet bowl cleaner (uses gel, ideal for more dirty toilets). BE SURE to read the instructions as some products have different application procedures, warnings & sitting times. Let it SOAK in for around 15 minutes (depending on the type of toilet cleaner you are using). If you are using vinegar instead of your traditional toilet cleaners, you must pour 1 full cup into your toilet bowl. Afterward, quickly swish the cleaner/vinegar inside the bowl using a brush. DO NOT FLUSH YET! Allow the cleaner to continue to soak for another 5 minutes or 15 minutes if the toilet is very dirty.













#2: Clean The Outer Toilet!


While this cleaner SOAKS in, SPRAY the OUTSIDE of the toilet using an all-purpose disinfectant spray such as Lysol power bathroom cleaner & Clorox Clean-Up cleaner + bleach. If the toilet is super dirty, WIPE it down the entire outside with wet paper towels, Lysol wipes or Clorox wipes & then toss them in the trash. 











​ (To see all available disinfecting wipes)



#3: Time For Some Elbow Grease!


Next, bring in use of a SCRUB SPONGE such as Scotch-Brite (heavy-duty works best!) to clean the grime & hard to remove stains or dirt on the outsides of the toilet. Pay CLOSE ATTENTION to the base & floor of the toilet as well while you are in there. If you have a modern-looking toilet with a quick disconnect toilet seat, get rid of the seat, & clean it SEPERATELY for a THOROUGH cleaning. 









​ (To see all available scrub sponges)

​ (For all available bulk scrub sponges)


#4: Don't Forget To Brush!


Once the EXTERIOR of the toilet is clean, you must use the TOILET BRUSH to clean the inside of the bowl. For the BEST toilet brush, we suggest looking at Home Depot, Canadian Tire, or Uline. You DON'T need anything too special, but you want it to last, Rubbermaid always works GREAT. We suggest replacing your toilet brush ATLEAST 1-2 times per year.  If you have those rings caused by hard water or still bad have stains, try using a PUMICE STONE to get rid of them. Pumice works great as an abrasive material to remove ANY pesky stains! You can find PLENTY of GREAT options at Home Depot & Amazon. Be sure not to scrub TOO HARD though when using pumice as you can REMOVE the finish on the inside of the toilet!













​ (For bulk options)




#5: Be Throughout!


Do you know the area UNDER the rim where water pours out? Since it is out of sight, most people don't BOTHER to scrub it. DO NOT be MOST people & ignore this part as well since this is where ALOT of GERMS & BACTERIA can build up over time. Use your brush or sponge to THOROUGHLY clean the FULL underside of the rim being sure NOT to miss a single spot. 










#6: Clean Your Toilet Tank!


NEVER FORGET to clean your toilet tank. There are a VARIETY of different toilet tank cleaner options on the market such as Clorox bleach tablets & Scotch instant cleaner. You SIMPLY just lift the tank & pour in the solution or drop the tablets into the toilet & allow them to sit, then just SIMPLY flush the toilet.











#7: Don't Forget To Flush!


Flush EVERYTHING down a few times & repeat the ENTIRE cycle above as many times as NEEDED until your toilet is SQUEAKY SPARKLING clean.











Why Is It Important To Have A Clean Toilet?


Regular toilet cleaning STOPS the SPREAD of & ELIMINATES many harmful BACTERIA, MOLD & GERMS that cause or worsen DISEASE & prior HEALTH CONDITIONS like lung problems such as asthma. It also EXTENDS the overall life of your ENTIRE toilet & system by not overworking it constantly or having it clogged up.


We ALL know it isn't a fun job always to keep cleaning the toilet. But it HAS to be done & now that you know the BEST ways of how to clean a toilet, doing so won’t be SO HARD or take SO LONG to do in the future.


What are some of the top toilet cleaning supplies?


Keep the following supplies in any bucket or a tote bag to keep them ASIDE & AWAY from the rest of the cleaning supplies you have. It isn't a GOOD idea to clean the sink using a toilet sponge or wash the dishes with the same rubber gloves. Cross-contamination is REAL & should be taken VERY seriously to AVOID spreading GERMS & BACTERIA!


You can use the following items to get a clean toilet:


- Waterproof rubber gloves

- Scrub sponge

- Toilet cleaner or vinegar

- Toilet brush 

- All-purpose disinfectant spray

- Cloth or towel

- Pumice stone

- Paper towels


ALL of these items will help you keep your toilet super clean EVEN if you have A LOT of dirt & grime stuck in the crevices of your washroom or water tank area. 


ENSURE you don't clean the bathroom WITHOUT wearing gloves, as the HARSH chemicals can BURN your skin & eyes if you wipe them.


While you might clean or wipe off the toilet OFTEN, the IDEAL & BEST way to REMOVE these GERMS & BACTERIA is to disinfect it.


Keep yourself, your employees, your friends & your family SAFE!


For MORE information, there are many tutorials available on YouTube that will teach you how to use washroom cleaners VERY effectively, as well as different cleaning tactics & tips.


You MUST make sure that you are using the BEST washroom cleaners that will not WASTE your time & money in the process but are also SAFE & will help you also achieve the IDEAL & BEST results.


These were the BEST ways & tips to make your toilet SQUEAKY clean. What are you waiting for?

Go give your toilet a MUCH-NEEDED clean!


Step By Step Guide - How To Make All Of Your Windows Spotless!


Dirty windows can make a VERY clean house or business look ENTIRELY dirty since it is one of the FIRST things a visitor, employee, customer or client see’s upon arrival. This is what makes window cleaning so IMPORTANT. While pollution levels INCREASE, more grime & dust are making their way onto our windows & sliding doors. This is causing them to have STREAKS or look FOGGY which in turn makes them IMPOSSIBLE or hard to see through & is also keeping us AWAY from the BEAUTIFUL direct sunlight. On top of that, TONS of dirt & debris like leaves can build up over the seasons in the track & window sill making them HARD to close or even ruining the ENTIRE window seal over time.


You DON'T want to let passers-by know that you have a DIRTY lifestyle & that you don’t RESPECT your house or business. This is why you MUST head out RIGHT NOW to try out these TOP window cleaning methods! 


But all you need to do NOW is START window cleaning. The following guide will teach you the BEST way to clean windows & will let you see what lies for you outside of the windows in its FULL beauty WITHOUT the need of a professional window cleaning service.












#1: Choose A Cloudy Day To Do The Cleaning!


Check the weather, whether it’s indoor or outdoor it is VERY IMPORTANT to NOT clean the windows in DIRECT sunlight! This will cause the water & cleaning solution to evaporate leaving STUBBORN steaks ALL over the window when your use your squeegee that will FORCE you to restart the ENTIRE job.


If the weather ISN'T corporating, you can BEGIN on the SHADY side of your house or business.











#2: Start With The Window Tracks, Window Sills & Window Screens!


BEFORE you even get started, you MUST sweep & vacuum the dirt from your window tracks & window sills. It will keep the MESS to a MINIMUM by preventing the dirt from turning into a whole MUDDY MESS when mixed up with the cleaner & water. Try using a screwdriver & a wet cloth to jam down into EACH window track & then go side to side to get EVERY bit of dirt out of it. WITHOUT doing this, your window seal will become DAMAGED over time & shorten the overall LIFESPAN of your window. Not to mention this will also lead to a lot of heat & cold air loss which will create HIGHER power bills in the future.


If your window screen looks GRIMEY or CLOGGED, you can POP IT OUT & then WASH IT with a hot, strong water stream (such as a hose), & a SOFT brush. Just flip it back & forth, brushing BOTH sides to get ALL of the dirt through the screen & out the other side.


After this, RINSE IT OUTLET IT DRY before putting it back in. To QUICKLY & EFFECTIVELY dust your blinds & shades, we recommend you go over BOTH sides with the microfibre duster or open up the slats & go over EVERY single one using a damp cloth & then a dry one.












#3: Soak The Entire Window!


Get yourself a bucket to hold water & either a cloth or a microfiber cleaner to THROUGHLY soak the ENTIRE window to begin lifting ANY dirt off the window's surface. Allow the window to SOAK for 5-10 minutes so the solution has a chance to get DEEP under ANY debris, you’ll already start to notice that dirt is slowly sliding off the window. Remember to ALWAYS clean the cloth or cleaner after doing EACH window to MINIMIZE the dirty water being spread around. DON'T forget to dump out & refill the water bucket periodically to ENSURE clean water & clean windows.


If you are curious about the BEST window cleaner, our company currently uses Pine-Sol mixed with water although water ALONE will often do the trick. Windex outdoor cleaner also works GREAT for all of the exterior windows.










​ (For bulk Pine-Sol) (For bulk Windex)


#4: Scrap Off All The Dirt & Debris!


Simply soaking the window with water & solution WILL NOT remove ALL the dust & debris, you’ll need to use some EXTRA elbow grease. Start by grabbing yourself a scrapper, try scrapping from side to side until you have scrapped the ENTIRE surface of the window. Repeat AS MANY times as needed until the window is SQUEAKY clean. Try running your hand along the window to see if it feels SMOOTH or if there are ANY leftover bumps or dirt.


ALWAYS remember to wet the window EACH time before you begin scrapping to AVOID scratching the window. If you scrape the window dry you will almost CERTAINLY ruin the window. DON'T chance it!












#5: Squeegee Away All The Mess!


Expert & professional window cleaning services ALWAYS swear by the squeegee, but you MUST also know how to use them CORRECTLY. First just like before, start by wetting the ENTIRE window, then squeegee the ENTIRE window. The BEST way to use a squeegee is to go from SIDE TO SIDE, rather than going from TOP TO BOTTOM since it will cause ALL of the dirty water to QUICKLY pool at the bottom of the window sill & run down the wall if you do not wipe it up FAST enough. ALWAYS remember to wipe your squeegee clean after EVERY pass with a cloth to keep the dirty water to a MINIMUM.


BE SURE to wipe around the frame of the window with a cloth once you're done with your squeeging to collect ALL of the dirty water & STOP it from spreading back onto the window or onto the floor.












#6: Finishing Touches!


You will not believe the DIFFERENCE clean windows can make to the OVERALL look of your home or business. Now is the time to make these windows REALLY shine & look brand new. Take a finer microfiber cloth (the type used for TV screens & mirrors) & wipe around the ENTIRE outer frame of the window, along the window as well as ANYWHERE that you may have missed a streak, dust, pieces of your cloth, or ANY fingerprints!


Just use a little PRESSURE when you are wiping with your cloth & BE SURE to go in circles until the mark is FULLY gone to see how clean your windows can TRULY be.









​ (For bulk options)



#7: Do It 2 Times Yearly (Spring & Fall)!


We HIGHLY recommend doing a FULL window, track & window sill cleaning, INSIDE & OUT, 2 times a year but NO LESS than once. You’d be SURPRISED by the amount of dirt & debris that can build up in just 6 months due to the changes in weather such as leaves & general dirt & pollen from the air. You may be used to looking through dirty windows now but once you give them a THROUGH cleaning you will NEVER let them get dirty again.











Why Is It Important To Have Clean Windows!


For starters it just makes your house or business no matter how clean, look dirty and unkept. As we mentioned above it is the first thing that people see so be sure to leave a good impression, after all, you only get one chance at a first impression! Secondly, when enough dirt builds up around your window & in your window tracks, the seal of the window begins to wear. Which in turn causes hot & cold air to escape which in the future will create higher bills. Most importantly, when your windows remain dirty for years at a time, the salt and dirt start to slowly ruin & deteriorate your windows & over time this will cause you to have to replace the entire window.


This will greatly increase the lifespan of your entire window. After all, replacing windows is not a cheap job & should be avoided or prevented if possible at all costs.


What are some of the top toilet window supplies?


Gathering this list of cleaning supplies can make the job MUCH more EASY & TIME EFFICIENT. There are PLENTY of different suppliers of all of these products so do some RESEARCH on the SPECIFIC job that you are currently doing to see if there is a BETTER-SUITED option for you.


You can use the following items to get clean windows:


- Waterproof rubber gloves

- Bucket (For water)

- Window cleaner of your choice

- Microfiber cleaner 

- Microfiber cloth

- Finer microfiber cloth

- Squeegee

- Scrapper

- Paper towels


These are a few ways you can do your window cleaning YOURSELF. As HARD as it seems, it is not that BIG of a task because all you have to know is the STEPS of the PROCESS. You can also hire a PROFESSIONAL window cleaning company like ours to SAVE yourself the HASSLE altogether.


So now you are aware of the BEST way to clean windows? Are you READY to turn the coming Sunday into a house cleaning one? Time to get to window washing NOW!



Step By Step Guide - How To Clean Your Grout!


The tile is beautiful, quite durable, & is relatively EASY to clean but the HARD part is when it comes to cleaning grout. That is a WHOLE different story. As grout is MOSTLY light colored & its porous composition & material makes it more prone to getting stained & dirty MUCH more easily.


Dirty grout is the MAIN culprit that will cause ANY bathroom NO matter how beautiful, to look VERY dirty & VERY unhygienic. In the bathrooms, homeowners & business owners MUST contend with CONSTANT mildew & mold if the ventilation & water drainage are not IDEAL. The BEST way to prevent this from happening is to get a ceiling fan, replace your ceiling fan & motor or open your window to allow a breeze to circulate FRESH air throughout the ENTIRE bathroom.


But don't you worry as we are here to tell you ALL of the BEST tips & tricks of how to clean grout. BEFORE you begin, you should REMEMBER that using ANY cleaning product it's ALWAYS best to START with the MILDEST/WEAKEST cleaning solution FIRST. Then SLOWLY work up to stronger cleaners as needed if the grout is NOT coming clean.


When you doubt or unsure of ANY grout cleaner, test it on a HIDDEN spot in your bathroom, under ANY appliance in your kitchen, or behind the toilet seat.













So Let's Explore How To Clean Grout


The following are some of the BEST tips & suggestions that you can use to achieve clean grout:


#1: Apply Vinegar & Water!


The BEST way to clean grout of HEAVIER dirt & MILD stains is to turn to a vinegar solution, a trusty option for MANY household chores. Fill up a spray bottle with a HALF & HALF mixture of WARM water & vinegar. ALWAYS use WARM water to THOROUGHLY mix up the vinegar so it’s EVENLY mixed.


SPRAY all over the grout & LET IT STAND for around 5 minutes, then SCRUB IT OFF with a STIFF bristle brush. WIPE down the grout afterward with a WET cloth or WET paper towel to remove ANY excess mixture left behind. Continue to repeat the process as MANY times as needed to achieve the results YOU desire!


You can ALSO purchase some rubbing alcohol & apply it DIRECTLY to ANY grout or messy tiles using a cloth or paper towel. ALLOW it TO STAND for 5 minutes. ALWAYS test a SMALL & HIDDEN area first to see if there are ANY issues before doing your ENTIRE bathroom! Then as mentioned ABOVE, WIPE the grout AFTER with a WET cloth or a WET paper towel.











​ (For bulk options)


#2: Scrub The Grout Using A Stiff Bristle Brush!


If you don’t already have a BRUSH on hand for this job, most home centers will have MANY options designed SPECIFICALLY to clean grout. STIFF bristle brushes work BEST for this. Simply you MUST spray WARM water on these grout lines & SCRUB them off using a CIRCULAR motion & LET THEM DRY. 











​ (For bulk options)


#3: Apply Baking Soda!


To bring even MORE strength of cleaning to the party, COVER grout lines with a paste or mix of baking soda & water, then SPRAY on the vinegar solution listed above. The mixture will begin to BUBBLE up as it STARTS cleaning your grout.


Once this mixture STOPS creating foam, SCRUB using a brush & then RINSE with WARM water. 













#4: Apply Hydrogen Peroxide!


MODERATE stains MIGHT require you to use hydrogen peroxide, which is available in MANY drug stores. You MAY use the product DIRECTLY to the grout using a cloth or paper towel or apply a PASTE made from baking soda & hydrogen peroxide. 











​ (For bulk options)​


#5: Apply Oxygen Bleach!


For the TOUGHEST stains & grimy grout, you can use oxygen bleach to clean grout. You will find this cleaner in MANY of different stores sold MOSTLY in a POWDERED form.


WHICHEVER product you will choose to clean grout, MAKE SURE that the area is VERY ventilated & READ the instructions of use CAREFULLY! MOSTLY, you will want to ALLOW the oxygen bleach solution to stand & do its work for 10 to 15 minutes BEFORE you rinse it.


ALWAYS make sure you rinse with CLEAN, WARM water so that dirt DOES NOT settle again back into those grout lines.













#6: Try Commercial Cleaning Products!


There are MANY different types & brands of grout and tile cleaners to choose from. Some of the MOST IDEAL & BEST tile and grout cleaning products CURRENTLY available in the market are "CLR Bathroom And Kitchen Cleaner" & "Clorox Tilex Mold And Mildew Remover And Stain Cleaner".


 These products MOSTLY work in 2 steps that are SPRAY & WIPE, then SCOUR using a STIFF bristle brush. 


Spray-on products CLAIM to work without the need of scrubbing & MAY save you time & energy. BUT these sometimes, HARSH acids solvents & chlorine bleaches can be HARMFUL to the tiles & humans using them. Scouring using a STIFF bristle brush & cleaner takes MORE work, but this method may be MAINLY effective on your floors and dirty grout. 


So BEFORE you start using ANY product, MAKE SURE you pay CLOSE ATTENTION to the ACTIVE ingredients & CLOSELY read the instructions. These products will ALSO give you alternate processes of how to clean tile grout in SIMPLE & EASY to follow steps. 














7.) Apply Chlorine Bleach!


Chlorine bleach MAY be used rather sparingly in the EXTREME cases of grout cleaning. When everything fails, this option may be your BEST grout cleaner. But be VERY careful as it is VERY dangerous to humans!













8.) Utilize Steam Cleaning!


Tile and grout cleaner MAY treat & cause a reaction on the tiles, but you can work with steam cleaning for a SAFE & EFFECTIVE result. Steam mops MAY be used as an environment-friendly method of getting rid of the grout stains WITHOUT using ANY sort of HARMFUL cleaning products.













Best Ways To Prevent Grout From Getting Dirty














Grout sealing OFTEN comes in contact with water & other materials that can STAIN & DAMAGE it.


To KEEP the grout & grout sealing CLEAN & FREE of stains, it is IDEAL to spray on it with vinegar & wipe it down ONCE every week & NO LESS than ONCE per month.


You can also wipe grout using RUBBING ALCOHOL to keep the mold & mildew AWAY. Try filling a spray bottle 1/4 ALCOHOL & 3/4 WARM water & spraying some onto the grout ONCE per week, & it will save you A LOT of time & effort in cleaning in the future.


Microban-24 spray, Clorox wipes, or Lysol wipes are VERY handy products to keep within reach to HELP clean messes on the grout & tiles as you see them DAILY as they happen to AVOID them becoming MUCH worse stains.


What Are Some Of The Top Grout Cleaning Supplies?


As mentioned in the steps ABOVE there is a WIDE variety of GREAT grout cleaning supplies on the market to choose from currently. We’ll list the general items you’ll NEED to complete the job CORRECTLY, as well as some of the GREAT products that our company CURRENTLY uses!


What Are Some Of The Top Grout Cleaning Supplies:


- Waterproof Rubber Gloves

- Baking Soda

- Hydrogen Peroxide

- Rubbing Alcohol

- Microfiber Cloth

- Paper Towels

- A Brush (Stiff Bristle Works Best)

- Vinegar

- Bleach

- Grout Cleaner (CLR Bathroom & Kitchen Cleaner & Clorox Tilex Mold & Mildew Remover)

- Grout Preventative Options (Microban-24 & Lysol/Clorox Wipes)

- A Steam Mop


Now you see, to clean grout you won't ALWAYS need to hire PROFESSIONAL cleaners when you can do it at home YOURSELF with these EASY tips & tricks we have taught you today. 


You will develop a fondness for how SOOTHING it is to clean the tiles, how much STRESS you can release through this process & you will get the hang of it in NO time at all.


Try out these methods & let us know which one worked the BEST for you. So when are you going to get that annoying, DARK grout, SPARKLING white?

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